Extension of time limit for GSTR-06 [Section 39(4) read with 39(6) of CGST Act]
Notification No. 26/2017 - Central...
Notification No. 31/2017 - Central...
Notification No. 43/2017 - Central...
Notification No. 62/2017 - Central...
Notification No. 08/2018 - Central... Notification No. 19/2018 - Central... Notification No. 25/2018 - Central... Notification No. 30/2018 - Central... Summary of extension of Time limit...Notification No. 62/2017 - Central Tax dated 15-11-2017 [Extension of time limit for GSTR-06 u/s 39(4)]
Notification No. 62/2017-Central Tax dt. 15-11-2017 & superseded by Notification No. 08/2018-Central Tax dt. 23-01-2018
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 39(6) read with section 168 of the CGSTA, 2017, and in supercession of Notification No. 43/2017-Central Tax dt. 13-10-2017 except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such supercession |
GSTR-06 date extended for Jul-17 = 31st Dec, 2017 Commissioner extends the time limit for furnishing the return by an ISD u/s 39(4) read with rule 65 of the CGSTR, 2017, for the month of July, 2017 till the 31st day of December, 2017. |
No time limit specified for periods Aug-17 to Oct-17 2. The extension of the time limit for furnishing the return u/s 39(4) for the month of August, 2017, September, 2017 and October, 2017 shall be subsequently notified in the Official Gazette. |
GST Gyaan | | CA Rajesh Ritolia - 9350171263